There are a few things that need to be said before getting into the details of this particularly sinful and shameless weekend;
If you find yourself questioning my potential after reading, then I made the whole thing up, ok? Second, I have changed the names of my accomplices as to protect their dignity and any shot they might have at a government job later in life.
We probably should have double checked the hostel Nigel chose to book. Out of all seven of us, not a single one of us thought to look into it and make sure it was acceptable. How and when we left the task of finding a place to sleep up to him, I just can't figure out. I'd like to think we are smarter than that, especially collectively, but no. We let
him choose it, and not one of us so much as glanced at the picture on the website to confirm that it was even a hostel in Amsterdam at all. You see the funny thing is, it wasn't.
We decided a few weeks ago that Amsterdam is a "must" on the list of weekend trips, and that the best weekend to go would be the weekend of April 30th because it's the Queen’s birthday and there is a massive festival. "Queen's Day" is a huge party where everyone dresses in orange, alcohol is allowed in the streets, and DJ's from all over the world perform in squares and parks across the city. Over a million people attend the festival, so we knew we had to book a hostel in advance or we'd be sleeping with the bums and prostitutes on the sidewalk in the red light district. Now that I think about it that might have actually been the way to go. So we arrive at Amsterdam Central Station excited as all hell to be in Europe's "sin city" for three days, only to realize Nigel doesn't know how to get to the hostel. And he can't remember the name. And obviously none of the rest of us paid an ounce of attention. So we are off to a great start. Fortunately kids these days are more attached to their iphones and blackberrys than a junkie to a crack pipe. So all six of us are searching for wifi and manage to download the directions to "Lucky Lake" just as a metro bus pulls up. We hop on, check the station name, and realize it's at the end of the line. That's never a good sign.
Then we read the small print and notice the instructions to "wait for the hourly shuttle bus from the station" to get to the hostel. Where the f*ck is this place?
At the end of the line we find a piece of paper taped to a wall under a bridge saying "Wait here for Lucky Lake shuttle". Okay, so we wait. For an hour. Finally the shadiest white van I have ever witnessed pulls up. No way am I getting in that thing. It just screams "rape" or "your liver is going on the black market". I was half expecting a pedophile to open the door and start handing out free candy. I was wrong though, (something I will be many times this weekend) and a cheerful Aussie girl hops out and helps us with our bags. We drive through farmland for a solid twenty minutes before pulling into a little parking lot in the middle of nowhere and being led to reception.
I have to hand it to the Lucky Lake staff, they are master minds at deception. Their genuine friendliness tricked me into thinking I have just arrived at an exclusive resort spa outside of the city where I can relax and party and possibly win a million dollars. Then the welcome man pointed to our "rooms" and I almost broke into hysterics, this had to be a joke. Turns out, Lucky Lake hostel consists of a long row of trailers, yes
trailers, lined up in front of an outdoor community kitchen and several porta-potty type bathrooms. I'm literally talking about those two person trailers that you attach to the back of a truck for a camping weekend. About fifteen of them! Two to a trailer, have a nice time. Poor Nigel, if looks could kill he would have dropped dead right there.

We spare Nigel and decide to drop off our crap and get back into the city as soon as possible. Kandace and I examine our mini double-wide just long enough to realize it has no running water, the windows don't close, and the heater is broken. The bed, our one
single bed, is about the size of our coffee table in Prague. Whatever, I'm thinking after a night out in Dam-Town it's not going to be hard to get comfortable and pass out. We meet the rest of the group and wait another hour for another lousy crap van to pick us up and take us to the station so we can take another lousy crap metro all the way into the city. We are informed they charge us for each shuttle ride and the last shuttle is at 1:45am. So much for partying. (Yeah right)
It's hard to stay upset when in Amsterdam. For starters, it's AMSTERDAM! Anything goes in this city, there's no rules and regulations, no inhibitions, and apparently no morals or standards either. Fresh off the metro we decide how to best start off our epic weekend. Nigel has lost the privilege to decide anything, so the rest of us agree on finding the nearest coffee shop and indulging in its infamous amenities. To specify, in Amsterdam a "cafe" is where you get coffee, a "coffee shop" is where you purchase various forms of marijuana. These forms range from baggies of weed, pre-rolled joints, and baked goods with weed in them. I split a space cake with Kori and if I really have to explain what that is... just google it ok?
Now I'm not much of a stoner, in fact I'm not at all. For this reason I decided
eating pot was probably a better choice than smoking myself silly and most likely throwing up. That other option, the one where I just don't consume the drug at all, that one never really crossed my mind. This is AMSTERDAM! Come on!

So we wander around for awhile, waiting for the effects to kick in. Amsterdam is a really beautiful city! We cross old stone bridges over the canals, pass the crooked old Dutch buildings, and laugh at the things in the sex shop windows. We come across a cozy little Chinese food joint. It's called "Walk to Wok", haha- that's funny. My friends wait in line to order while I save the seats and people watch. Everyone is eating with chopsticks, haha- that's funny. The soy sauce on the table is empty, haha- for some reason that's funny. It seems like they have been in line
forever. Haha. My nail polish is really orange- haha. It starts raining outside- haha.
Why is everything SO FUNNY?If my friends weren't feeling it already by then, it definitely hit them when they returned to the table and found me all alone giggling like a maniac at nothing in particular. Every comment, movement, and action sent me into another fit of laughter. Wait, did I just laugh? I know I meant to but did I actually let it out? What was I laughing at? Woah look at that bike...
After devouring some serious Chinese food we entered the outside world again with a whole new perspective. Giggling and tripping over the cobblestone we explore for about two whole minutes before some strange magnetic force pulled us into another coffee shop. I sat my happy ass on a bar stool and cracked up when the bartender asked what I would like. What would I like? Everything. I would like everything. Wait do I? I finally manage to order a beer and return to the table to find Nigel and Dan lighting up a massive joint. It's called "white widow" and that alone should have set off flashing red alarms in my head, but at the moment my head was happily gazing at a string of Christmas lights on the ceiling. I deny the joint as it passes from Nigel to Dan to Kori and back. So much is happening right now; I'm laughing at Kandace and Jenny who are laughing at all the people lounging at the tables around us, this dude and his girlfriend next to me are rolling a joint bigger than my wrist, Kori can't open her eyes anymore, and Steevie is pissed because she's the only one not high. But she's trying to be.
I'm not sure how long we were there but at one point Kori turns into a broken record player and keeps repeating "I'm so high, I'm so high". We all bust up laughing and begin teasing her a bit.
"Tell us what you are feeling!"
"I see green and orange lights..." Haha.
"...and smoke is flowing out of my mouth..." Haha!
"...and I'm freezing cold!" Wait, but it's hot in here!
"…and I'm sweating really bad" Haha, wait, she really is sweating, she's drenched!
"I can't move, I don't like this" Uh oh.
Two seconds later and BAM! Kori hits the ground. Oh shit! Steevie jumps to the rescue and starts screaming orders. I run to the bar and yell at the bartender for help, Nigel runs outside and starts pacing back and forth, Dan just stands there with his hands in the air, and Jenny pours a bottle of water on Kori. No one else in the place moves. Several glance at our friend on the floor and go back to hitting their bongs. The bartender leans over the bar and says to relax, just give her a minute. Nigel is still running back and forth outside. Dan is laughing as Jenny prepares to dump another bottle on Kori. But it was unnecessary; Kori was sitting upright looking at all of us like we lost our minds!
"Why am I all wet?" she asks, giggling a little but remaining on the floor.
"Shit you scared us!" I crawl under the table with her and laugh.
"Happens all the time" someone in the bar proclaims.
So that's it I guess, we get Kori up and realize we were just "those kids".
We all take our seats again and break out in short spurts of laughter at what just happened. Time to go somewhere else! Maybe a park so we can get some fresh air? Crap it's raining again. Ooooh we should eat again! Wait a second... Where's Nigel?
All our heads turn towards the door and, once again, we absolutely lose it at the sight of Nigel still pacing out in the pouring rain.
That night we end up eating (again) at a great Irish pub where, conveniently, a pub crawl was meeting. We sign up and immediately the party begins. To start off with we get free "test tube" shots for the first hour. These were quite possibly the worst shots I have ever had, and as a bartender that likes to experiment with new concoctions, that's saying a lot. We were told it was vodka and juice but I'm convinced is was some rejected Dutch cough syrup that expired. Regardless, the lady pouring them finally just left us our own bottle so she didn't have to keep returning to our table. I wasn't kidding when I said you lose your standards in this city. The "crawl" part begins and we are each handed a bottle of champagne as we file out of the pub into the rainy street. I have now acquired a bright orange fedora and several new friends. We pop our bubbly, turn our swag on, and get ready for the madness.
Madness was an understatement... now pumped full of booze we follow the leader from bar to club to bar and back. Reflecting briefly I recall at some point dancing to "Grease Lightning" and "Total Eclipse of the Heart", being interviewed on some strangers video camera (currently scanning youtube), nearly crying when my hat goes missing, an epic denial of some feisty Aussie, a painful fall in the rain, singing Disney songs in the street and attempting to steal a fancy glass from a bar. Not necessarily in that order, and not all MY actions. Eventually between "fist pumps" and Jager shots, someone came to their senses just in time to point out we need to catch the last metro back to our cozy trailers. We stumble through pouring rain to the metro stop only to be informed that the metro closes at midnight. It's 1:15. Why the f*ck does the Lucky Lake shuttle run until 1:45 when the last metro reaches the end of the line station just after 12? Someone please explain that to my sloshed
and soaked ass! After a forty-five euro taxi ride to BF Holland, Kandace and I cuddle up on our gnome size bed and get rested before the main event tomorrow. It's freezing, raining, and the windows are stuck open.
At this point I am determined not to let our unfortunate Lucky Lake fiasco get me down. We wake up the next morning to beautiful clear skies and warm weather. Perfect! The seven of us are decked out in bright orange apparel and ready to celebrate the Queen! (We later find out it's actually the Queens mothers birthday, and she's dead) The city is absolute madness! The streets are packed with people, bars and street food set up at every corner, boats full of dancing people fill the canals, and
everything is orange! I get a beer from a man wearing orange wings (so jealous) and enter a sex shop with the rest of the girls. Basically we act like 3rd graders, huddled together giggling and pointing at all the various "toys" and whatnot. We pass all the fantasy costumes and edible panties, ending in a room filled floor to ceiling with porno. At first we are flipping through the DVDs laughing at the different classifications of porn; midget porn, Asian porn, pregnant porn, obese porn, gay porn, you name it. Then we flip to the WRONG section... let's just say lunch was silent and awkward.
All of us are big fans of DJ Tiesto and we knew he was performing somewhere in the city today. We grab a few more space cakes and some bottles of wine and set out into the crowd on an epic day-long quest for Tiesto. The quest ultimately fails but was worth every second! At one point we enter this huge square absolutely
packed with people raving out to live techno. It was nuts! People were dancing on top of bus stations, benches, trash cans, etc. You had no control over where you moved, you just kind of had to go with the flow and naturally we ended up smack in the middle of the action and somehow still together. We dance and dance and dance until the wine runs out and decide it's time to move on, Tiesto wasn't here anyways.

The great thing about Amsterdam is that despite its "party city" reputation and tolerance of most drugs, it's still a really mellow place. The architecture, tree lined streets, and canals create this beautiful serene setting, it's kind of unreal. On Queens Day it was anything but quiet of course, but it still had this relaxed vibe that anyone recovering from a big night out could appreciate. Just minutes from the exhausting pulse of the techno mob we found ourselves a lovely little park to relax for a minute and enjoy more, um, pastries. Unsure of how much time has passed we all persuade each other to get off the ground and continue the "Quest for Test". We attempt to look at a map and discuss strategy, but that failed miserably. We also are running out of people capable of decision making; Nigel is still on probation, Steevie has lost the ability to talk altogether (she finally got high!) and Kori proved herself unworthy after the fainting incident. The rest of the day consists of crawling (literally at some lesser moments) into new insane scenes around each corner, usually forgetting what we were looking for and becoming absorbed in a street performance or carnival ride. As the sun goes down everything turns into a hazy combination of orange, music and flashing lights. We make our way back to the station by passing through the red-light district. Normally I would be too embarrassed to do more than glance at the prostitutes chillin' in each window, but at our level of intoxication we are clearly not feeling too shy and proceeded to "rate" each girl by our own list of qualifications. Lesson learned today: They can hear you.

I think it is safe to say that the "party" part of our Amsterdam visit was burnt out come the next morning. We planned to experience the "cultural" side of Amsterdam and visited the Anne Frank Museum. The museum is attached to the house that the Frank family hid in for two years during the Nazi occupation of Amsterdam. We toured the house before examining the museum- quite the experience. I had a hard time wrapping my head around the reality that such an evil could force a normal group of people into such a desperate situation. I felt claustrophobic just maneuvering my way up the stairs and through the bedrooms. I can't imagine being stuck inside that kind of place for two years and never setting foot outside. I admire the courage of Otto Frank in making the decision to go into hiding for his family, I can't fathom having to even consider something like that. It was painfully upsetting to imagine my Dad doing the same for my family- especially since the outcome was so tragic. I encourage anyone visiting Amsterdam to visit this museum, never have I walked out of a place feeling so incredibly fortunate and appreciative.
On a happier note; I ALSO encourage anyone visiting Amsterdam to visit the Heineken Brewery! Severely touristy but equally entertaining, this museum/brewery starts with a walk through the history of the Heineken family and the creation of their famous brew. Throughout the museum you learn about the ingredients in the beer, find out how it is processed and participate in a tasting. There are corny rides and entertaining karaoke setups (random), as well as a massive international bar at the end where you get free beer! Yes I know, the party "burn out" was short-lived.
The next day we speedy-gonzales it out of Lucky Lake, pausing to wave a sad goodbye to Amsterdam. I formally apologize to my liver and promise (with fingers crossed) to give it a break. Reflecting on the various toxins consumed, the pass-out episode, and the short cultural party break, I’d say Amsterdam was a definite success. Even though we never managed to find DJ Tiesto. A short flight home lands me back in Prague where I am greeted with the harsh reality that our time here is nearly through. Then slapped in the face with a worse reality- finals start this week. I've cracked open far more beers than books this semester and now it's time to seriously get down to the grind. Until next time friends...